The property has been purchased!

The board of directors of Jeta Grove Foundation is delighted to announce that donations coming from near and far have enabled us to complete the purchase of the beautiful New Hampshire property that is now Temple Forest Monastery. We are so happy and grateful to all of you who have contributed in whatever way to help to make this possible.

The closing took place on March 25, 2015 with a payment of 80% of the sale price, and includes a mortgage for the remaining 20% to be paid within two years. Further donations will go towards the running and development of the monastery and to reduce the amount of the mortgage and help with the monthly payments. Private loans – to reduce or replace the mortgage – would also be especially helpful. 

If you have not yet been up to the monastery, do come and visit. It is wondrously beautiful. There will be an Opening Day celebration on Sunday June 28 to mark the monastery’s establishment – we hope you will join us for the occasion if you can.

A Letter from the Board

Dear Friends,

The board of directors of Jeta Grove Foundation is happy to announce that our efforts to purchase a property suitable for a forest monastery in New England have been bearing great fruit. 

You may recall that as a first step towards establishing a Northeast U.S. monastery, Jeta Grove invited two monks, Ajahn Jayanto and Venerable Caganando, and an attendant to stay for three months in the Boston area from July to October 2013. Interest and support proved high and the effort moved forward. As good fortune would have it, Jeta Grove found a suitable property for the establishment of a monastery in Temple, New Hampshire (near Peterborough). In July 2014 we began renting part of this property while working towards its purchase. At that time, three monks—Ajahn Jayanto, Ajahn Anando and Venerable Saddhammo—took up residence there.

We are now in a good position to purchase this beautiful, secluded, yet accessible 242-acre property. The purchase price is $1.62M. We want to let you know that through the generous donations of lay supporters such as you, we are now around $200,000 away from the amount needed to meet both the 80% required to close on the property plus estimated closing and associated costs. We hope that donations or pledges of private loans will help us move forward. Of course, being able to present the full purchase price at the closing would be an amazing accomplishment. That would require an additional $324,000 ($524,000 in total).

The current owners themselves wish to contribute to the project and have reduced the purchase price. We now hope everyone interested in helping a monastery take root will join us in supporting its purchase. 

Thank you for your ongoing support for this effort to establish a monastery for all of us. 

Please visit our websites and for more information. 


The Board of Directors, Jeta Grove Foundation

Please feel free to contact us via the contact form on this website
or by email at
or phone Anna Meigs at (617) 571-5410


Searching for a residence in Boston

Preparations are under way to host Ajahn Jayanto and one or two monks this summer in Boston. The plan is for Jeta Grove to rent – or borrow, if that becomes possible – a property suitable for the monks to stay in for the three-month ‘Vassa’ period this year, from mid-July until late October.

A small search committee has been making enquiries, and they are still looking. If you have any leads or suggestions, feel free to let us know by sending a message using the form on our Contact page.


Jeta Grove Receives 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status as a Public Charity

We are pleased to share the good news that Jeta Grove Foundation received its 501(c)(3) classification from the IRS on 14 December 2012. Jeta Grove has been classified as a Public Charity, and therefore financial contributions – as well as “bequests, devices, transfers or gifts” – are tax deductible for U.S. tax payers.

The effective date of our exemption status is retroactive ​to December 29, 2011 – so any donations made after that day are tax deductible.